Protecting your home for winter

Well after this past weekend, there’s no doubt the weather has changed & winter will be upon us soon!  If you’re like me, you have several projects around your home that you’ve been “meaning to get to” before winter.   Taking care of your home now will help keep you and your family warm & cozy through the winter.  Here are a few suggestions:

          Have your furnace cleaned & inspected by a professional.  A professional can check for possible issues that could cause your furnace problems and if handled now will prevent a breakdown when the temperatures drop.

          Check your insulation or have a professional come out.  A well insulated attic not only helps keep the heating bills in check, but also can help prevent ice dams since hot air escaping through the roof causes snow to melt down toward the gutters where it refreezes causing Ice Dams.

          Shut off water to exterior hoses from the inside of the house & drain the line.  This will prevent a frozen pipe from bursting & causing damage to property (and water bill). 

          Have your Chimney cleaned and inspected by a professional chimney sweep.  Creosote, the residue from fires can coat the inside of the chimney & become a fire hazard.  And be sure to close the fire damper when not in use to keep your heat from escaping up the chimney!

          Clean the gutters.  All those beautiful leaves that have recently fallen may have ended up in your gutters.  Clogged gutters can lead to water seeping into your home.

          Finally, remember to replace the batteries in your smoke & carbon monoxide detectors. 


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